
Different learning and blog articles on technology and its implications.

endoscopic camera

Where to Buy an Endoscope Camera?


by Angela Otero

When you have to observe an inaccessible place, an endoscopic camera may be the only option. It is possible to find an endoscopic camera in a wide variety of physical

spy pen

Spy Pen Instructions


by Angela Otero

Spying has never been easier than before. Now you don’t need sophisticated tools to mimic your favorite secret agent or actually use it for surveillance purposes. Devices like spy pens,

spy pen

How to Use Spy Pen


by Angela Otero

Spy pens are the best compact cameras. You can record high‐definition videos and click photos with it. Plus, it can also work as a pose as a pen. In the

spy pen camera

How to Make a Spy Pen


by Angela Otero

Whether you want to record lessons or need a surveillance system wherever you go, spy pens are the best choice. They are portable, easy to use, have a discreet design,

spy recorder

How to Hide a Spy Voice Recorder


by Angela Otero

Spy audio recorders are only effective if you can hide them well. So how do you hide a spy recorder?Have you ever grown suspicious about who your spouse is talking

spy watch

How to Make a Spy Watch


by Angela Otero

Everyone wants to be James Bond, to be a spy there’s nothing better for you to nab than a nifty spy watch. You could either go for those sophistically engineered

USB Flash Drive

USB Flash Drive Spy Camera Instructions


by Angela Otero

USB flash drive spy cams have to be the single most state-of-the-art invention that our generation has been blessed with! Suspicious that somebody has been snooping around your room or

a 3d image of a man in suit scanning the room

How to Find Spy Microphone in My House


by Angela Otero

I never thought I’d have to worry about spy microphones in my house, but learning to detect them is huge for privacy these days. Luckily for us, there are methods


How to Make a Spy Microphone


by Angela Otero

If you want to record and listen to a conversation from a distance, the use of a microphone spy will make it possible. With spy microphones, you can easily snoop

microphone and sound wave

How to Detect a Spy Voice Recorder


by Angela Otero

You can choose to search for a physical or an electrical signal to detect spy microphones or voice recording devices. A physical search does not require any special tools. To